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The The Sea Witch Download

Writer: smaralahacafiltytasmaralahacafiltyta

7cb1d79195 Richie saves an old friend from Russian mobsters after a drug deal goes bad. Unbeknown to him, she takes the drugs and the money with her. It is up to Duncan to protect her and her daughter from the mobsters, who are now looking for her. We see another another from Richies past, who at first appears angry and bitter, (also confused and scared). A young mom with a daughter, who are involved with drug dealers, Russian mobsters, who one is attacking her when Richie rescues her, he was trying to find this place to pick up something for Duncan when he sees her, (oh the place moved).<br/><br/>Duncan wonders why he late getting back phones, Richie didn&#39;t get there and goes to look for them. Find them at a place where Richie is trying to say not to go but she has to (he doesn&#39;t know at 1st why). He is saying nothing is more important than getting out, and ask what is worth her life, Melinda is, he thought her mom took care of her, didn&#39;t know her mom had been dead for 8 months. Yup the baddies found them, but then so does Duncan beats them up, Richie his usual self but kinda helps, picks up the child and Richie and Nikki follow, drive off off with witness who get their life threaten (ask for $) give licence number think they live.<br/><br/>It was interesting seeing Richie tell Nikki off, as it shows how &quot;close&quot; they were/are (kinda like family) but she tells Richie he wasn&#39;t looking out for anyone but himself, he agrees saying when Duncan offered a way out he grabbed it, she does understand. Duncan washes the drugs done the sink, that she owns up to bring in as he states, no one goes/comes after you like that for things like drugs and money.<br/><br/>Melinda touches something inside of Tessa. Nikki is &quot;rough&quot; with her daughter as she really hasn&#39;t learned how to be a mom yet. When Melinda is given a doll that was Tessa&#39;s, (Melinda doesn&#39;t seem to know if she likes dolls) Nikki is like she had toys, I wasn&#39;t that much of a screw up. Melinda wants to go out, Nikki says no you cant we have to stay in, then relents and says maybe Tessa can take you, walks up to take Tessa&#39;s hand and they leave as Nikki turns away in tears saying quickly I love you Melinda and seems to be leaving her to give her a better life with Tessa ? but as she opens the door she is caught by the mobsters and taken away.<br/><br/>Threaten, admits to the $ and says Duncan flushed away the drugs...the big boss is immortal and recognizes the name, but 1st wants the $ back, says something to his workers about seeing if he has a sword. No 1 home when they get there. The $ not where she put it, her daughter moved it. So the looking for it continues with her being threatened, Duncan gets there, sword appears, told that his boss asked about that, phone rings, it the boss, Duncan answers, told a name, memory lane, the guy owed him but still betrayed him, says Alexei Voshin.<br/><br/>Nikki and Melinda give Duncan the money, Nikki is starting to see a &quot;light of hope&quot;. Tessa says that for a brief moment she pretended Melinda was hers she liked it but also she made her choice and his happy.<br/><br/>Duncan and Alexei meet up fight, fall in ocean, but Duncan manages to hang on to rope gets back on ship and as the blades of the motor behead, among other things, Duncan get the big Q and then goes home.<br/><br/>Nikki and Melinda go where they can be safe, although the rest of the baddies are put in jail, they need a new start away from where they were in hell. They are also told to keep the $, as putting bad $ to good use is what they will do, to get set up. --------HIGHLANDER. THE SERIES---------<br/><br/> ----Season 1. Episode 9.---<br/><br/> ---The Sea Witch----<br/><br/><br/><br/>-------I WOULD HAVE LIKED IT MORE IF...-------<br/><br/>Richie goes to his old neighborhood and finds out that an old friend of his, Nikki, is the couple and forced partner of a drug dealer related to the Russian Mafia. Nikki and Richie escape after a gun fight in which Nikki´s boyfriend is killed and Nikki keeps both the money and the drugs (cocaine) her boyfriend intended to run with. Nevertheless, the way that things happened, Richie didn´t know about the money and the drugs package Nikki was keeping until Mac talks to the two of them. Nikki shows the cocaine to Duncan and Richie, but keeps silent about the money. Mac gets rid of the cocaine by dissolving it under a water flow towards the sewer system so that it can´t hurt more people...<br/><br/>So far, the story looks good and since there aren´t so many Highlander episodes that occur without immortal villains as the main menace, I would have liked this episode to stay &quot;immortal villains free&quot;. Nevertheless, an immortal villain appears, or more precisely reveals that he is an immortal, as Alexei, the gang boss, is an old enemy of Mac and he is not happy of having lost his money and merchandise...<br/><br/>Alexei turns out to be one of the most vicious among MacLeod´s enemies, having for example, once betrayed a ship full of people to the Stalin´s regime trying to get Duncan´s head. The name of the ship was the Yugoslav word for &quot;The Sea Witch&quot;...<br/><br/><br/><br/>Thanks for reading.<br/><br/>IMDb Review written by David del Real.<br/><br/>January, 2018.


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